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Institutionalization of UX – An Object Oriented Approach, by Eric Schaffer, HFI [VIDEO]

  • 16 Jan 2014
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Faculty of Information, 140 St George St, Room 507

Institutionalization of UX – An Object Oriented Approach

EVENT VIDEO [1:19:48]

Date: January 16, 2014 7:00PM
 Networking starts at 6:45pm, Presentation starts at 7pm
Location: Faculty of Information, 140 St. George Street
Room: 507
 No RSVP.  Come and see what ToRCHI is all about, and if you like these presentations, join ToRCHI for $20/year membership. 
Presenter: ERIC SCHAFFER, PhD CUA CXA CPE, Founder & Global CEO, Human Factors International


Eric will outline the imperatives when establishing a mature X practice, including infrastructure, governance, and staffing.  Then Eric will share how a mature practice MUST operate in an object oriented structure and will share how that is operating within several organizations today.


Eric Schaffer, PhD CUA CXA CPE,  is a founder and the Global CEO of Human Factors International, Inc.  He has been working in the UX field since 1977.  He is an active consultant and trainer in the field, and specializes in large scale and complex UX environments..  He authored ‘Institutionalization of Usability’ in 2004 and has just released a second edition ‘Institutionalization of UX’. 

EricSchaffer ToRCHI Slides Jan2014.pdf

VIDEO [1:19:48]

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